My Projects

Selections from my personal project portfolio

Super Guitario Zomboso!

(Name pending)

  • I’m a lifelong gamer. I want to finish making My 2D dream game. I spent almost a year on it, and I want to create levels, enemies, AI, more weapons, and polish the game up!

PDF Renamer

  • Do you have a pile of business PDFs that need to be renamed to something inside each PDF? Check out my PDF Renamer

Python RPG Mini

  • I created a text-based RPG in Python.
  • Fork it and you can customize CSVs for levels, enemy names, weapons names, riddles, and power, and create your own turn based RPG!

Chords / Tabs / Music I authored


PymusicGen v1,v2,v3

Jeopardy Trainer

Riddles CSV


FitBit Versa Custom Watch Face